The Galli Group
30 years of expertise
The Galli Group is a worldwide umbrella organization founded by philosopher, actor and playwright Johannes Galli. Johannes Galli is the founder of The Galli Method® in which Die Sieben Kellerkinder® (The Seven Cellar Kids) form the basis. The theaters and training facilities in nine countries are operated independently.
The Galli Mission
Celebrating Childhood
The Galli Theater communicates important social issues through modern adaptations of fairy tales from around the world. The plays highlight their symbols and help to illuminate wisdom that is highly relevant in today’s society. They awaken a sense of liveliness in audiences and actors alike that can help reveal the genuine person and his inner vision and power, thus celebrating childhood. Galli achieves this mission through its mainstage productions, educational programs and its Dr. Fairytale Program.
Galli Theater NY
The Galli Theater reaches around 24,000 people per year through their productions and 4,500 students in workshops and classes. Galli Theater is a registered 501(c)3 non profit organization. Please email galliny@gmail.com for a copy of the previous years IRS tax forms.
Plays and Productions
The Galli Theater produces per year 10 – 14 modern and innovative adaptations of fairy tales from around the world that entertain and teach valuable life lessons. In addition we are conducting around 5 plays for adults as well as educational shows for children as well as young adults. Galli’s unique style is that all shows are very interactive and with lots of improv elements. Currently, plays are performed in English, German and Spanish.
Training and Coaching
Classes, workshops and camps are offered year-round for children as well as adults. They help participants gain self-confidence, overcome barriers, learn new languages and cultures, improve acting skills, and increase health and wellness. Scholarships are given upon application. We are using The Galli Method® to train.
Dr. Fairytale
Through its Dr. Fairytale program, Galli Theater presents plays and stories to seriously ill children in hospitals and supports organizations who work with emotionally challenged children around the world.