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The Three Little Pigs-cancelled*


The Three Little Pigs

Gordy, Perkey and Snoozy pigs have left the nest and must build houses of their own. One settles for a quick fix. The other, puts a little elbow grease into it. But only one takes the time to make a house that stands up to the persistence of a certain wolf. The Wolf may huff and puff, but this is one house he cannot blow down!

Theater by Johannes Galli

Our fairytales are:

  • Interactive
  • Great for children AND adults
  • Funny
  • Original
  • Always deliver a message

Suitable for: Birthday Parties, School Shows, Travel Performances, Festivals, Events, Street Events, Block Parties
Age range: For children 3 and up
Cast: 4 Performers / 1 Sound Person
Requirements: iPod compatible sound system. Stage is preferable, but not necessary
Costs:  Upon Request

In the press
Date Sun, Sep 10
Location Galli Theater New York
Opening 1:40pm
Start 2:00 PM
Duration 45 minutes
Prices Adults $25/ Kids $20
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